Laneway Festival 2025 Event Terms and Conditions – Australia

dictionary for the event terms and conditions

Event: Laneway Festival 2025


c/ Level 3, 175 Liverpool Street
Sydney NSW 2000
ACN: 647 789 482
ABN: 44 647 482

You and Your: Any person holding a valid ticket for the Event, whether or not the ticket was purchased by the person holding the ticket or through a third party.

Event Site: The area designated by Promoter located at each of:

Brisbane - Brisbane Showgrounds Bowen Hills QLD 4006

Sydney - Sydney Showground, Showground Rd, Sydney, Olympic Park NSW 2127

Melbourne - Flemington Racecourse, 448 Epsom Road, Flemington VIC 3031 

Adelaide - Bonython Park, Port Road, Livestrong Road, Adelaide, SA 5000 

Perth - Wellington Square, Wellington Street, Perth WA 6004


You must agree to these Event T+Cs to purchase Tickets.

Ticketek may, without notice, invalidate any Tickets that are believed to be in breach of the Event T+Cs, and no refund, replacement or compensation will be offered.

Each Ticket attracts a booking fee, which is inclusive of GST.

All Tickets and products are priced in Australian dollars.

Should the Event be cancelled or rescheduled, Ticketek will inform customers via their nominated email address. Ticketek provides this service on behalf of the Promoter.

Terms and Conditions are Binding: tickets to the Event are sold or given and admission to the Event is granted on the express condition that you are bound by these Event Terms and Conditions and any other rules and regulations issued by the Promoter (Event T+Cs). By purchasing an Event ticket you agree to be bound to the Event T+Cs.

Directions of Event Staff: you must follow the reasonable directions of Event staff as required and comply with the law at all times during the Event.

Proof of Age – 16+ Events: the Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth Events are 16+ events. ALL patrons must present valid Accepted ID to gain entry into these Event Sites. The Promoter reserves the right to evict, or deny entry, to any persons unable to provide valid proof of age ID or any persons engaging in illegal activities (for 16 and 17 years olds, this includes trying to purchase or consuming alcohol at the Event).

Each city has different Youth Policies. For full details of the Youth Policy and Accepted ID for each city, please see the links below:

Please note, due to liquor licensing regulations, some states will require each minor (a person under 18 years of age) to be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times, please see each city’s Youth Policy for specific details.

Event Tickets: entry to the Event Site will be granted with presentation of

  • a valid bar-coded ticket; or
  • a valid bar-coded print-at-home PDF ticket; or
  • a valid bar-coded Passbook ticket (electronic ticket on mobile device),

issued by an Authorised Ticketing Agency to be exchanged for a wristband upon entry. Your Event wristband must be worn at all times during the Event – failure to do so may result in your eviction from the Event Site without refund. Event wristbands removed from wrists or tampered with will be rendered invalid and will not be replaced. Damaged or defaced Event tickets or wristbands will not be accepted.

An Authorised Ticketing Agency means each of: (1) Ticketek and (2) any independent ticketing outlet as authorised and approved by the Promoter.

Lost Tickets or Wristbands: replacement is not available for lost, destroyed or stolen Event tickets unless proof of purchase is presented.

Ticket Restrictions: you agree not to re-sell Event tickets contrary to applicable laws. Event tickets may not, without the prior written consent of Promoter:

- be re-sold or offered for resale at a premium (including via online auction sites); or

- used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes (including competitions and trade promotions); or

- used to enhance the demand for other goods or services, either by the original purchaser or any subsequent bearer.

If an Event ticket is used in breach of this condition, the Event ticket may be cancelled without a refund and the bearer of the Event ticket may be refused admission.

Ticket Purchase Limits: the Promoter reserves the right to enforce published ticket purchase limits and cancel any tickets obtained above said limits in any one transaction or by any one customer. If you exceed the stated ticket limit, you may have all or any of your order and tickets cancelled without notice by Promoter in its discretion. This includes orders associated with the same name, email address, IP address, billing address, credit card number or other information.

Search on Entry: it is a condition of entry to the Event Site that a search of you and/or your possessions be required at the time of entry to the Event Site. If you do not consent to such searches, you may be denied entry to the Event Site without refund. Prohibited Items include but are not limited to the list of items at the end of these Event T+Cs and any Prohibited Items will be confiscated. Confiscated items will not be returned, replaced or reimbursed and proceeds from confiscated items (if any) will be donated to a charity. Promoter reserves the right to refuse entry to any persons.

Smoking and Vaping Policy: venues and stages on and within the Event Site may operate a No Smoking + No Vaping policy and you must comply with any such policy, and all applicable State or Federal laws in relation to smoking, vaping, or possession of either of these items.

Photographing and/or Recording of the Event by You: personal digital cameras are permitted at the Event. SLR cameras are permitted but professional photography equipment(eg telephoto lenses; any lens over 20cm; any detachable lens) is not permitted without Promoter-issued media accreditation. Event staff will determine in their discretion whether equipment is considered to be professional photography equipment. Photos of artists and/or the Event are permitted only on the basis that:

1.             images are only used for private and personal use; and

2.             images cannot be made available for sale and/or public display.

3.             Recording or filming the Event is strictly prohibited.

Promoter reserves the right to confiscate and/or delete any footage, recordings and/or photos created by unauthorised or prohibited recording, filming or photography.

Recording and Photography of the Event by Promoter: you consent to be included in official photography, film and sound recordings of the Event and for these materials to be used by Promoter and/or any of its authorised representatives and contractors in any medium or context without further authorisation by, or compensation to, you.

CCTV will be in operation at Event Venues.

Restricted Capacity: you acknowledge that there may be restricted capacities at some of the Event’s stages or venues. Once the maximum capacity is reached in these areas there will be no further admissions. Your purchase of a ticket to the Event does not guarantee admission to these areas in such cases.

No Animals: animals are not permitted at the Event Site. Service animals are permitted upon presentation of documentation showing that the Assistance Dog is qualified, accredited, and serving the person they are with.

No Passouts: passouts will not be issued unless otherwise stated.

Your Behaviour: you must ensure that you and your invitees act in an orderly manner when attending the Event Site. Promoter may refuse entry or evict you or any of your invitees if you or any of your party are behaving in a disorderly, offensive or inappropriate manner.

Alcohol: the Event is fully licensed– please do not bring alcohol with you as it will be confiscated and will not be returned. Only alcohol purchased from bars at the Event may be consumed at the Event Site. If you wish to purchase or consume alcohol, you must have valid proof of age photo ID. You must be of legal age (18 years) to purchase and consume alcohol on the Event Site. If you are found supplying or buying alcohol for a minor (a person under 18 years of age) you will be evicted from the Event and may be referred to police.  No intoxicated person will be allowed entry to the Event.

Food and Drink: no food or drink will be permitted into the Event Site. Sealed plastic water bottles (with or without contents) cannot be brought into the Event Site. Unsealed EMPTY plastic water bottles (no glass) can be brought into the Event Site.

Drugs: if you are found supplying, consuming or in possession of illicit drugs you will be removed from the Event Site and may be referred to police.

Prescription Medication: Prescription medication is allowed. Please ensure it is within the original packaging, and the name on the script matches your photo ID.

Signage: you are not permitted to display trading signs on the Event Site without prior written consent of Promoter.

Your Personal Information: pursuant to your booking, Promoter may need to collect and keep personal information about you including your name, address, credit card or payment details, telephone number and the names of all ticket allocations.Unless you tell us otherwise, Promoter may disclose your contact details to third parties if you elect to receive such information at time of ticket purchase so they can provide you with promotional material about other events and products. Promoter may also need to disclose your personal information as required by law or as permitted under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). If you have any questions about how Promoter will handle your personal information please visit the link at the bottom of the Authorised Ticketing Agency’s ticketing page where you purchased your Event ticket or refer to the Promoter’s Privacy Policy.

Promoter’s Liability: the services provided by Promoter will be rendered with due care and skill to the extent required by Section 60 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and applicable similar state legislation. Apart from such statutory liability, Promoter and the owner and/or lessee of the Event Site will not be liable or responsible for any injury, damage or loss suffered or incurred by you or any person entering or when you enter or are on the Event Site whether caused by the negligence of Promoter or that of the owner and/or lessee of the Event Site (or their respective employees, contractors or agents), whether arising in tort, contract, bailment or otherwise - all such injury loss or damage to person or property is at your own risk.

Indemnity: you agree to indemnify Promoter and owner and/or lessee of the Event Site against any loss or damage Promoter and/or Event Site owner and/or lessee may suffer arising out of your negligence or breach of the Event T+Cs.

Release: to the full extent permitted by law, you waive all legal rights of action against and fully release Promoter and owner or lessee of the Event Site (and their respective executive members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors or agents) from any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury, death, economic loss or consequential loss for any default, failure or negligence (to the extent permitted by law) in relation to entry to and presence on the Event Site.

Risk: entry to the Event Site is at your own risk. Without limiting the generality of this:

-                appropriate footwear and clothing must be worn at all times at the Event Site;

-                you must not mosh, crowd surf or stage dive;

-                ear plugs should be worn if necessary.

To the extent permitted by law, Promoter takes no responsibility for any hearing damage or loss caused by excessive noise or injury caused by your failure to follow Promoter’s directives. In the event of injury or illness Promoter may, at your cost, arrange medical treatment and/or emergency evacuation as deemed essential for your safety.

This Event is recommended for mature audiences.  Artist performances and Event patrons may be very loud, the Event may have high intensity crowd movements and Artist performances may include references to drugs / alcohol, flashing lights, and pyrotechnics.

Online Ticketing Support: if you are experiencing difficulties with purchasing a ticket or the ticketing page please contact the Authorised Ticketing Agency.

Refund and Cancellation Policy: the Event is an all weather event. The Event will take place rain, hail or shine unless the relevant authorities deem it unsafe to do so. The Promoter reserves the right to change, add, withdraw or substitute artists in the Event line-up, vary the advertised program, times, prices, staging and audience capacity and otherwise vary the Event Site and deny admission to the Event Site (including admission to a particular performance at the Event Site) with reasonable cause.  Tickets purchased for the Event are for Laneway Festival, not for specific artists or acts.  No refunds or other compensation will be given if an advertised artist or act is changed, cancelled or the length or content of their performance is changed.

If the Event is cancelled for any reason, you will be entitled to a full refund of the ticket price. No refunds on tickets  will otherwise be provided except where required by law or in accordance with Live Performance Australia’s Code of Practice for Ticketing of Live Entertainment Events in Australia which is available on their website (

Rescheduled or Significantly Relocated: if the Event is rescheduled or significantly relocated for any reason whatsoever, your ticket will be valid (or if applicable, your ticket will be reissued) for the rescheduled or relocated Event unless otherwise advised by the Promoter or the Authorised Ticketing Agent. You are entitled to a full refund of the ticket price if you cannot attend the rescheduled or significantly relocated Event, provided that you apply for a refund within the period of time advertised or notified by the Promoter and/or the relevant Authorised Ticketing Agent.

There will be no refund of any unused portion of an Event Ticket if you or your invitees are asked or forced to leave the Event for any of the reasons set out in the Event T+Cs or if you decide not to attend the Event.

You are responsible for checking the age minimum for the Event. No refunds will be processed if you are denied entry due to not having valid ID for admittance to the Event Site.

Environment: Promoter cares for the environment and community. Please be respectful and place any litter in the bins provided around the Event Site. Be waste and water wise - thank you.

COVID-19: All patrons must at all times comply with all relevant directions, restrictions and requirements made by government, health authorities and venues relating to COVID-19 (whether in existence now or in the future).  All such orders and directives form part of these T+C’s to the extent applicable.  

It is a condition of your entry into and attendance at the Event that you comply with all reasonable directions given by the Promoter relating to COVID-19 safety at the Event (including Event health and safety polices and entry requirements).

By purchasing a Ticket you agree to comply with applicable orders and directions in place at the time of the Event and any other terms and conditions relating to COVID-19 notified by the Promoter to you.

COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. There is an inherent and elevated risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place or place where people are present and there is no guarantee, express or implied, that those attending the Event will not be exposed to COVID-19.  You should evaluate your risk in determining whether to attend the Event.  By entering the Event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Enforceability: any provision of these Event T+Cs which is or becomes unenforceable shall not invalidate the other provisions of these Event T+Cs.

The Promoter may vary these Event T+Cs at any time without notice to you. Any variations become effective immediately once the variations have been published on the Promoter’s website. Any variations will not operate retrospectively.

Variation to Terms and Conditions: the Promoter may vary these Event T+Cs at any time without notice to you. Any variations become effective immediately once the variations have been published on the Promoter’s website. Any variations will not operate retrospectively.

These Event T+C’s were last updated on 5 September 2024

Laneway Event 2025 – Prohibited Items            

Prohibited Items include but are not limited to:

• Alcohol - any alcohol found at the Event Site will be confiscated and will not be returned and the offending patron(s) ejected from Event Site for the remainder of the Event.

• Glass or breakable containers (jars, bottles, containers, mirrors and perfumes).

• Air horns.

• Weapons or explosives of any kind (including potential missiles).

• Illegal substances or paraphernalia

• Nitrous oxide bulbs and canisters.

• Flares, fireworks, sparklers, explosives or any fire twirling equipment.

• Fires and open flames.

• Vapes & E-Cigs with more than 110mL liquid (please note the venue may have specific smoking regulations and areas)

• Instruments.

• Advanced personal vaporizers (or modified APVs) or liquid refills for E-Cigs.

• Liquids, including liquid makeup, and sunscreen.

• Flammable liquids, including deodorant.

• Sound systems.

• Portable laser equipment and pens.

• Sharpies, markers, paint cans, spray paint or paint pens.

• Drones or other remote control devices.

• Couches and chairs.

• Anything studded (i.e. belts, wristbands etc.).

• Audio or video recording devices (including GoPro and similar).

• Professional photography equipment (e.g. telephoto lenses; any lens over 20cm; any detachable lens; stands or other commercial equipment or anything deemed by Event staff to be professional photography equipment).

• Kites or sky lanterns.

• Toy guns, water guns or slingshots.

• Monopods, tripods or attachment sticks (selfie-sticks).

• Skateboards, scooters, wagons, carts, rollerblades, roller skates, bicycles, quad-bikes, segways, hoverboards, self-balancing scooters or any personal motorised vehicles.

• Animals (excluding service dogs such as guide dogs and police or emergency service dogs).

• Unauthorised solicitation materials including handbills, flyers, stickers, beach balls, giveaways, samples, or other promotional items.

• Any other item deemed by Event staff (in their discretion) to be dangerous or offensive or potentially dangerous by Event organisers.

• Eskies and coolers.

• Umbrellas.

• Cans or metal containers, including aerosols.

• Flags of any size

• Register rolls, shredded paper, confetti or other items likely to cause an environmental issue.

• Commercial food purchased from external caterers, unless permitted by the Event organiser.

• Any bags over the size of an A4 piece of paper.


Sign up below to access the Laneway Festival pre-sale, presented by Afterpay.

This will give you access to pre-sale ticket prices - only available in this pre-sale window.

The pre-sale starts Tuesday 15 October, 10am local time.